Wah lau, just only few days after SPM.. Everyone is doing a make-over, mohawk pun sudah ada... I still haven`t do anything yet for my appearance. Plan to do a mohawk but, ahhhh.. Tak mau la, have to try other style instead. Oh yea, about the piercing, I only want a hole not many.. lol.. I`m waiting for ysheng to do it together. But he`s sick now, ( potong steam ).. So maybe I shall potong you also, lmao.. Now we`re free from high school, no more uniforms, no more short hair and some crazy menopause teachers. Since ysheng is sick, we can`t get to jam. I`m afraid when ivan is leaving he still haven`t recover.. -.-'' .. C`mon ysheng, recover faster and dont be a pussy.. lol..
So who`s gonna take over ivan`s position while he`s away doing some jungle trekking and M16?.. I guess mike gonna be la, we dont have kaki guitar anymore here among our friends. Or maybe just jon alone will menunjuk-nunjuk. But before that, we gotta do a chun make-over for 16. Till the people can`t recognize 16 members if possible. But I sure cannot one la, the tallest is already me, lol.. What ever thing I do also people already know its me, and yea. Looks like some of us here already upgrade our music instrument accessories like ysheng. With all his drums kit, that looks so chun. Then ivan`s FIERCE and toy pedal effect, lol.. I have my fierce also, except for jon.. Heard he`s getting something cool soon...
- m e | ` -
hey errr.. i dont know how to tittle this up but.. hahah! the pain and pressure im feeling during SPM has finally come to an end! which means i can now concentrate more on the band, drums, outings and girls! like mike said, our high school life has finally ended.. we're now free from all the school rules and stuff..
and i believe all of my fren gonna change their appearances as well. hmmm, i wonder wats in jon's mind? i think he'll go mohawk too cuz he said it b4..
for ivan, i got a feeling he gonna do something terrible cuz after tat he gotta go bald. so ivan, wats in ur mind? mohawk with colours? so ur fingernail gonna change permanent colour to black de la? yeah melvin! melvin melvin.. he's like diam diam ubi berisi la.. i know he gonna get some piercings, cuz he ajak me to get 1.. as a mommy boy, i asked my mom permission and she let me pierce also la. so mel! when wanna pierce? can pierce other part than ear not? hahahah! like errr.. forget it..
mike! u damn potong wei! i mean after spm u straight change entirely huh? so ur mom still recognize u not? got kena whacking from ur bro ar? ur father let u come back house not? dude, i wanna see ur new hairstyle la...and bout how did i come to being so scared of mike. it was my sister la actually.. k know wat, mike was a very famous guy in his primary school, teluk pulai. mmg terkenal gila la. say michael name only all sure know wan no matter wat races, black , white, brown, or wat gender, female, male, or both. and my sis always say something bout mike wan.. she asked me to beware of mike cuz he's kinda gay! and how'd i met mike, was from volleyball la.. i went for the 1st training, and i say mike was in there too! in my mind, i was feeling quite weird la..its like ''eh! wat the hell is the nerd doing in volleyball court?!''..and then, he came and talk to me.. he asked me my name and stuffs la.. woah! at tat time.. i was so scared tat i gonna piss on my pants.. i just layan him then quickly ran away.. and after some time, i found out tat, he was actually a great guy la! he's got a sexy voice, sexy body,sexy characteristics, and sexy everything. k sounds like im more gay now. and i always wanted to approach him, but cuz of we're in different class, so its kinda awkward rite? thanks to the formation of this band, now we're all so close to each other!
and ppl, i know, some of u think tat im innocent in ur mind. some even call me the blur boy , shy boy, and macam macam la. actually, im not tat THAT like wat u think la..hahaha.. so, do u know tat actually the drummer boy also did something to himself? and maybe ppl will start laughing at me if they know wat happened to me. i feel confused and regret at the same time but, since i've done it, i gotta face the critics from ppl la.. and i guess im rdy for it already.. and if u ppl wanna know wat is it about, it'll be revealed within 1 month.. yes i need time to recover and also prepare myself physically and mentally to kena kutuk.
DO WE WANNA SEE MIKE'S NEW HAIR STYLE?YES WE DO......Mike...post up a pic of it..please please please...we all wanna see wat did 16's vocalist did to himself...come on...i oso wanna do la..but scared wei...hahaaahaanyways...to all spm'ers..happy merdeka'ing..enjoy life b4 ur college years or wateva years starts...njoy ur life now to the max!im gonna all of u man when i go ns...shit la..u all can hang out mamak all..i hang out in jungle..sigh..mike...missing u!ysheng..f***king miss u!mel dam kao miss u!jon jon...i think i miss u..lol...joking...MISS U LIKE f***...see ya in the sky..love 16 alwayzps:mike,i still cant blif u actualy did tat wei. lmao. cool stuff.
SPM is finally over..guess it's time now to look forward and plan? Leaving high school is definitely a scary thing but i guess everyone looks forward to it..haha..well, no more funny class moments, no more trying to 'ampu' the teachers, no more prefect duties, no more IU day performances, no more PJ-ing in the rain, no more wahab's nasi ayam and no more chairing meetings...as glad as i am that high school is over, i'm sure gonna miss a few things that to me, were the CORE of my high school life..many people undergo character change as they grow throughout high school..i personally think that i didn't change tht much but i HAVE learned alot from BB, friends and experiences. Kk, i think i'm going off topic edi..hahaha..anyway, i was thinking about posting something about how i met all the other band members. i guess at the end of something, you always go back to the beginning (if tht makes sense)..haha..here goes:
i've known him since primary school (SKTP). we weren't as close last time but i guess music brought us together? haha
he was my first new friend in secondary school wey! same class till form3 (CERGAS rules!) haha..and guess who introduced us to each other? who else but the DOG himself? Mr. Aaron Lee Wye Mink.hahaha
don't remember exactly when la but i know that i've known him even before we got into ACS..he was the stranger who always joined us (RKC swim team) when we were playing rounders in klang club..haha, those were the times man..
hahahaha...for those of you who have heard this story before, you'd be laughing as well la..on the first day of secondary school, yeow sheng was SO scared of me because he thought i was gay..hahaha..but i don't actually remember how he came to find out that i actually wasn't and we started being friends after that..hahaha..
it has been such a wonderful time hanging out with the band! i'm missing all those jamming sessions la! when are we gonna go JAMMING?! faster la! hahah..anyway, just wanna say that no matter what happens after this, no matter where we each go, 16 will forever remain an important part of me, an important part of my life..16 FOREVER..hahaha