Friday, August 17, 2007

Will a new guitarist be replace wit the old one?


answer to tat is NEVER..!!

As u all know tat our beloved guitarist is going NS, it wil be hard for us to perform at gigs without him during the holidays..v may ask someone else to fill in for him when he is not around during the three months but v would nvr change ivan( but the person filling him is lik so so so much better than him maybe la... * joking* haha..) maybe our lead singer wil play and sing..gaya rit?? well v are thinking of getting a keyboard player but i dunno.. i wan a DJ hehe.. can be lik Linkin Park...haha.. anyone interested? anyone who can play music instrument other than drums, bass, guitar.. jus tag us..

mike + jon + mel + ys + ivan = 16
without ivan the equation will not be complete

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